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Get the latest tire news from Frideric Tires China Tire Factory. As experts in the tire industry, they are known for durable and high-quality tires. Their partnership in China will offer top-notch tires for vehicles and trucks. Check out their latest line at Hugerubber and experience the ride of your life with Frideric Tires.

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Improve product quality, improve service level, stabilize enterprise business relationship and enhance brand strength

Shandong Hugerubber Co., Ltd. adheres to the road of characteristic products and differentiated marketing (undertaking the first part of phase 15) in the process of …

Optimization of equipment and fine modification process to lay a solid foundation for comprehensive production and efficiency increase

Since 2014, the market competition of all steel radial tire has become increasingly severe. With overcapacity, the sales of medium and high-grade products with certain …

The production department shall strengthen the management and control of the production process to ensure the excellent and stable product quality

Lean management seeks practical results, controls costs, reduces energy consumption and improves on-site management Lean production management is a new production management mode, which takes …

Strengthen tire quality research, strictly control process implementation, and steadily improve best tire quality

  Despite the current weak domestic and international economy and weak market demand, according to the company’s development policy of “planning and development, consolidating the …

Planning, development, coexistence and win-win results

In the first half of 2014, through the strong support and cooperation of dealers and friends, Shandong Hongyu Rubber Co., Ltd. achieved breakthrough development in …

Optimize and improve the structure and process design to continuously improve the performance of tires

Since its establishment, the Technology Department of the company has been committed to the development and promotion of domestic high-performance tire products. At this stage, …

Continuously develop new products and continuously improve competitiveness

Facing the current market situation that there are many domestic tire enterprises, but the overall brand is at the low end of the market, the …

The tire models of the company are constantly enriched, and the market competitiveness is improving day by day

On May 12, the first batch of models developed by our company were 12.00R20, 18pr fd918 and 295 / 75r22 5 14PR fa602 two kinds …

Introduction to Hongyu building

Hongyu building is a new masterpiece of Shandong Hugerubber Co., Ltd. in response to the call of the government to realize collectivization, high quality, high efficiency and automatic …

The company successfully passed the acceptance of enterprises meeting the safety production standardization standards

At 9:30 a.m. on September 14, accompanied by Wang Xingrui, director of the town safety supervision office, a group of seven municipal safety review experts …

President Nanyun of Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. and his delegation visited the company for exchange

On May 1, President Nanyun of Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. and his delegation visited the company for exchange. Song wensong, general manager of the company, …


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