The production department shall strengthen the management and control of the production process to ensure the excellent and stable product quality


Lean management seeks practical results, controls costs, reduces energy consumption and improves on-site management

Lean production management is a new production management mode, which takes customer demand as the driving force, takes the elimination of waste and continuous improvement as the core, and enables enterprises to obtain significant improvement in cost and operation efficiency with minimal investment. The production department of Shandong Hongyu Rubber Co., Ltd. puts forward the “triple management” with an innovative attitude to create a management mechanism suitable for its own development.

1、 Lean management for practical results

1. Strengthen learning and improve overall. The production department strengthened publicity and education through billboards, display screens and other carriers to effectively improve employees’ understanding of the importance of lean management and standard working methods in tire production. The workshop is required to timely summarize and improve the good experience and practices of lean management in the activities, so as to make lean management an effective starting point for improving the management level. According to the actual work, further strengthen the learning and training work by inviting in and internal training and learning, take the post standard working method as the fixed teaching material for the training of new employees, as the content of knowledge competition and the compulsory subject of employee technical competition, and start with the key links such as workshop, team and post personnel, so as to implement the post standard working method.

2. Continuous improvement and process improvement. Based on the principle of “developing while maintaining and improving while consolidating”, the production department continues to improve the standard working method. Organically combine the application of standard working method with the implementation of risk pre control management system, and play the business security function of on-site operation based on procedures, specifications, standards and safety system. Starting from the most basic standard working method, give play to the supporting role of post standard working method in ensuring safe production.

3. Improve the mechanism and implement rewards and punishments. The production department will incorporate lean management and post standard work method management into the daily management of the workshop, link the effectiveness of lean management with employee performance, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of workshop production lean management and post standard operation process. Improve the assessment, reward and punishment mechanism. Each professional group will assess the development of activities every month, praise the workshop teams with outstanding performance, punish the unqualified workshop teams, and put forward rectification measures and rectification period, so as to effectively form a closed-loop management of lean management.

2、 Control cost and reduce energy consumption

1. It is a routine basic work for enterprises to strengthen production cost management and standardize production cost accounting. In the process of actively promoting the strengthening of production cost management and standardizing production cost accounting, from the perspective of improving the ability of self-improvement and self-development, focus on the key link of changing the mode of operation and management, focus on the current, focus on the long term, and pay attention to fundamentally solving problems. On the premise of ensuring product quality, minimize consumption, reduce production costs, and improve the utilization efficiency of human and material resources. The production department shall proceed from the actual situation of the enterprise, clarify the tasks, implement the responsibilities, and establish and improve the production cost management system. Bring production cost management and production cost accounting into the core business of production management. According to the requirements of scientific standardization, strict management and detailed management, this paper makes an in-depth and systematic analysis on the current situation of cost management in each production workshop. Rectify the weak links of cost management, improve the management system, improve the management system, refine the management content and strengthen the control measures. Since August 2014, the production department has been accumulating index data including input-output ratio, waste rate, waste rubber, backwardness rate, turnover days of semi-finished products, equipment failure shutdown rate, etc. The purpose of data accumulation is to control various indexes within the normal range, so as to reduce the production cost to the greatest extent. For example, the accumulation of input-output ratio data is to clarify the implementation of production operations according to standards. The smaller the value, the better the company’s performance. The turnover days of semi-finished products are the days required to convert semi-finished products into final products in the production process. Generally speaking, the smaller the value, the stronger the company’s product liquidity and the lower the degree to which products occupy funds. There is only one purpose for the accumulation of these data to the later analysis, that is to reduce the cost and increase the income as much as possible.

2. Strengthen material management and consumption control in the production process. The consumption of various raw materials is the main body of production cost. Eliminating waste and reasonably controlling consumption are the main tasks of cost management. Therefore, the production department proposes to strengthen cost control, advocate advance control and process control, start from the source and eliminate all factors causing waste.

In the work, first, strictly manage the in and out of the warehouse to eliminate the non-standard phenomenon of material requisition. The production department shall implement process management for the warehousing business of materials. It is required that the requisition and warehousing of materials must complete procedures, fill in and deliver various documents in a standardized and timely manner, eliminate the phenomenon of ticket pressure, and ensure that the single account is consistent with the account. All incoming and outgoing materials must be measured according to the legal unit of measurement or fair method, so as to create necessary conditions for accurate accounting of production costs and timely reflecting the consumption of various workshops and products.

Second, strengthen the management of defective products and leftover materials and the return management of surplus raw materials (spare parts). For defective products during production and processing or nonconforming products found during warehousing inspection, find out the causes in time and register them on the production record of the workshop (section) on duty. If it is caused by human factors, it shall be transferred to relevant departments for accountability or accountability. The leftover materials generated from one-time use in the production process must be handed over to the warehouse, and the warehouse keeper shall uniformly recycle and store them in a centralized manner. Establish a physical account of leftover materials, sort the recovered leftover materials, and register them in the account by category. For those with utilization value, the warehouse out procedures shall be handled according to the normal procedures during secondary collection, and the leftover materials without reuse value shall be handled by the factory Department.

3、 On site management level

On site management is an indispensable part of modern mass production, the need of the company’s technological progress, the need to improve the quality of employees and realize the overall optimization of the company’s management. The production department uses the on-site management method to continuously improve the human, machine, material, method, environment and other production factors on the production site. Implement on-site improvement activities to ensure product quality; Eliminate waste in all links and reduce costs; Improve working environment and work efficiency. The site is “the place where the company designs, produces and sells products or provides services for customers”. The production department uses scientific management ideas, methods and means to reasonably allocate and optimize the combination of various elements on the production site, and applies the method system of production site improvement to carry out on-site improvement activities to ensure product quality.

At present, the key means of on-site management of the production department is the production site 6S management. Since the implementation of 6S management, it has effectively improved the production efficiency. The biggest experience of the company in this process is to manage the “two openings” of the factory, one is the “entrance” and the other is the “exit”, that is, the staff restaurant and toilet of the factory, which can best reflect the quality of employees. The production department arranges special personnel to clean and clean regularly, and carries out publicity and education for employees, so that they can learn to maintain and maintain themselves, so as to make the continuous improvement of the production site a key factor to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise.

In lean production management, the production department of the company unifies the thinking of all employees with the concept of health, restricts the behavior of all employees with strict systems, standardizes the work of all employees with scientific processes, improves the quality and ability of all employees with efficient training, adjusts the mentality of all employees with effective incentives, constantly explores and innovates, improves with wisdom, and pursues higher added value, All customers are connected with respect for human nature, so that employees can truly connect their own development with the company’s achievements, and develop together with the company.

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