Hugerubber Held the 2021 Tire Production Mobilization Meeting



On February 17, Shandong Hongyu Rubber Co., Ltd. organized and held the 2021 tire production mobilization meeting. More than 60 managers above the shift leader attended the meeting. Song wensong, the general manager of the company, delivered an important speech at the meeting. Xu Qinrong, the consultant of the company, put forward working opinions and suggestions on the tire production and operation of the company. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Chunwang, the deputy general manager.

At the meeting, deputy general manager Zhang Chunwang reviewed the company’s tire production work in 2020. He said that 2020 left quietly in tension and busyness. Looking back on the past year, although there were no spectacular achievements, it also experienced an extraordinary test and honing. In 2020, the production department took “balanced tire production and fine management” as the main line and took “optimizing operation mode, improving operation quality, optimizing process technology, improving quality and reducing costs, independent innovation, small-scale transformation, small leather, energy conservation and efficiency, tapping potential in technological transformation, improving efficiency and reducing costs” as the way. with “Pay close attention to the link process, strengthen the control of key material consumption indicators, carry out index competition, enhance the passion for excellence, implement team performance assessment and enhance competitive awareness as means to achieve cost saving, consumption reduction and efficiency increase. At the same time, promote the tire  production management towards the track of refinement and standardization, and accumulate experience and lay a solid foundation for the realization of the goal of reaching tire production and efficiency in 2021.  In 2021, we should always maintain a hardworking, brave and positive work enthusiasm, strive to practice the corporate culture around the annual objectives and tasks, earnestly implement the work ideas and requirements of general manager song wensong, and complete various operation and management objectives.

2020-2021 Global Vision, Tire Production, Technical Development

Song wensong, general manager of the company, delivered an important speech. He said that today’s meeting is not only a gathering to clarify ideas, unite and cheer up and adjust the state, but also a mobilization meeting to clarify goals and start various work. We should further unify our thinking, quickly get out of the festival atmosphere, get nervous from the relaxation of the festival, immediately enter the working state, seriously arrange and implement this year’s work, and ensure a good start and good steps in the work of the whole year. General manager song put forward four opinions on the next step. First, unify ideas, recognize the situation and strengthen the confidence and determination of enterprise development. In 2015, affected by the slowdown of world economic development, the entry of domestic economic development into the new normal, overcapacity, product homogenization and price war, the tire industry experienced unprecedented operating difficulties. Some enterprises broke their capital chain one after another, leading to bankruptcy or merger and reorganization. Under such a difficult situation, all the staff of our company worked hard and did a lot of effective work, and achieved climbing over the ridge. The overall work showed a trend of “overall stability, promising in difficulties and making progress in stability”. 2020 is the beginning of the 13th five year plan, a year when China’s economy continues to bottom out, and will also be the most difficult year for economic adjustment. In the face of complex situations, confidence is more important than anything. Facing the predictable and unpredictable difficulties in 2020, we must strengthen our confidence, rise to the difficulties, work hard and make progress, and further turn the downward pressure into a driving force for development. On the whole, the quality of our tire products has been steadily improved, the market influence of tire brands has been gradually expanded, the company’s organizational structure has been more perfect and reasonable, the functions of various departments have been more clear and detailed, a modern enterprise management system has been basically established, and the overall management level of the company has been greatly improved. Therefore, we should not only accurately grasp and apply various favorable conditions, tap development opportunities and business opportunities, and strive to improve development quality and efficiency, but also attach great importance to various possible adverse factors, strengthen the prediction and judgment of the situation, timely adjust business strategies, be good at developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, prepare from the worst, and strive for the best results. Second, clarify ideas, clarify goals, and identify the direction of future development and efforts. In 2021, our overall work idea is: guided by the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, deepen and promote standardized, refined and scientific management, pay close attention to the management foundation, straighten out the management process, gradually build an efficient tire  production and operation management mechanism, and build a management team suitable for the development of modern tire production enterprises; Increase revenue and reduce expenditure, strive to improve process technology, improve supporting equipment and facilities, improve tire production efficiency, shorten manufacturing cycle, reduce manufacturing cost and continuously improve tire product quality; Build a well-known tire brand, expand sales models and channels, strive to provide customers with high-quality products and services, break the sales bottleneck, and strive to create a new situation for the company. We require all levels of the company to closely focus on this work theme, unify their thoughts and actions into the company’s work ideas and work deployment in 2021, highlight the two elements of “management” and “efficiency”, unify their thoughts, ideas, will and pace, concentrate their efforts, overcome difficulties, and ensure the achievement of all tasks and objectives throughout the year. Third, strengthen measures and pay close attention to the implementation to ensure the successful completion of the objectives and tasks of the whole year. Further improve the internal management, improve the scientific management level and enhance the afterforce of development; Pay close attention to safety tire production and ensure the sustainable development of the company; Strengthen product quality management and enhance product R & D capability; Grasp the market pulse, expand sales channels and improve sales performance; Strengthen cost management and improve economic benefits; Give full play to the role of financial accounting and supervision to serve the company’s business decision-making; Strengthen human resource management and broaden recruitment channels. Fourth, change the work style, do solid work and comprehensively improve the tire quality of the team. To successfully complete the work objectives and tasks in 2021, the key is to rely on a first-class cadre and staff team as a guarantee. Management cadres at all levels of the company should adhere to high standards and strict requirements, focusing on the following six aspects. First, we should stress the overall situation, second, we should stress learning, third, we should stress innovation, fourth, we should stress unity, fifth, we should stress hard work, and sixth, we should stress discipline. Based on their own work, all departments should make careful planning, reasonable arrangement and rapid development, formulate the annual work schedule, think about the whole year, focus on the first quarter, strive to ensure the start, form a strong joint force to promote the current work, and ensure that all work throughout the year is comprehensively promoted and effective. Although the development of enterprises faces many difficulties, the more wind and rain, the more we need to strengthen our faith and move forward bravely. The mental state of management cadres is a silent command. We should use the kindling on our bodies to boost our morale, unite our efforts and inspire our spirit, encourage the majority of employees to innovate and create constantly, seize opportunities, move forward bravely, and implement various measures in place with high quality, so as to realize the breakthrough and counter trend development of the company.

Xu Qinrong, the consultant of the company, put forward working opinions and suggestions on the tire production and operation of the company. The middle and senior management cadres should have sufficient sense of mission and responsibility, shoulder heavy burdens bravely, defy difficulties and dangers, explore and innovate. All cadres and workers should have a sense of risk. We should seek common development for the common cause, firmly establish the idea that the tire factory prospers and I prosper and the factory declines and I am ashamed, wholeheartedly seek development and work together to grasp production. In particular, middle-level cadres should have a sense of ownership, care about the enterprise, seek the overall situation, resolutely abandon the thought of small farmers, enlarge the pattern and strengthen and expand the enterprise. Hugerubber has gone to sea. This ship carries the hopes and dreams of all Hongyu people. Every employee is a sailor. We should constantly improve our tire quality and ability through self-encouragement and motivation. The way is to fully combine the company’s medium and long-term goals with personal goals and fully recognize the company’s corporate culture, Take the lead in implementing and driving the colleagues around to fully practice the five basic principles, work with one heart and one mind, and strive for the successful completion of the company’s objectives and tasks in 2021.


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